A Wonderful 42 Months
My transition to village living has been going well. For those who have noticed that I haven’t published in more than 40 months, I apologize. You must have been wondering why I stopped my musings on on living in this wonderful village we call Wilmette.
Let me catch you up.
Since I last published, I have become even more ingrained in this fine community on the Northshore. My wife and I have made great friends, I’ve started businesses, my kids started school, we have become closer with neighbors (for the most part), and we’ve sunk money into our home. We even refinanced once or twice.
Specifically, the following happened.
- George & Karen have participated in 5 McKenzie Elementary Variety Shows in support of our boys’ school. A great community event with more than 100 parent volunteers every year rehearsing for months and performing 7 shows every March. It’s been quite an experience for us, and an incredible community builder for our little area of Wilmette. Plus a great example for our kids.
- Speaking of the Variety Show, Karen has written many numbers for a few shows and this year is directing two numbers.
- In 2013, George was the Variety Show Newbie of the Year. I am very proud of that honor and it makes many of my business presentations.
- We started a new business called CoWorkers: Another Place to Work. Located in the heart of Wilmette, CoWorkers is a shared office space and networking place with a purpose of helping people enhance their work/life balance. We are doing great things and have more than 30 people using our space on a consistent basis.
- The boys continue to advance academically and solid all around citizens of the 10 year old and 8 year old varieties. They love all kinds of things and participate in sports including soccer, basketball and football.
- We were involved in an incredible community advocacy project to get a referendum passed to enhance the infrastructure of our lake front beaches and parks. It failed. We were sad. Enough said about that. Something has to be done soon, though. My hats off to the Wilmette Park District for continuing the conversation.
- We have really loved the renassaince of the Village Center. In addition to CoWorkers, many other other new businesses, namely a bunch of new bars and restaurants, now call Wilmette home. Great additions, every one of them. Come by for a visit, dinner or drink or three.
That’s all I have for now. You are mostly caught up. But hopefully I will be updating more often to report on more current things, but also to reminisce from time to time.
Thanks to my loyal readers. You are why I continue to write.